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Kirby Plugins

In recent years, we’ve been using Kirby 3 as our content management system of choice. In this context, we created a few plugins easing content input or helping layouting.

All plugins are released under an open license (MIT) and can be used for free. Please feel free to use them in your own projects, feedback and fixes are appreciated.


There are manifold plugins for color management in Kirby 3, like Tim Ötting’s Kirby Color or Sylvain Julé’s Color Extractor and Color Palette. As we had some issues with existing solutions and needed color contrast checks, we came up with our own plugin:

Colors-Felder in mehrspaltigem Panellayout. Bildschirmfoto.
Figure Farbauswahl im Kirby Panel.
Kirby Colors

This plugin for Kirby 3 provides a field to select HEX, RGB or HSL colors using the native color selector. It offers color contrast checks based on the WCAG accessibility guidelines.

Date and Time

Outputting and formatting dates and time can be challenging, especially when you are dealing with multilingual content. For handling holiday, there is Hash&Salt’s Yasumi-Plugin, for other formatting, this plugin will help:

Kirby Date Methods

This plugin for Kirby 3 provieds field and page methods to format dates and times, to handle date ranges and to return relative times. It takes the current display language into account. Among other things, additional helper methods allow for easy age calculations.


Kartenausschnitt der Braunschweiger Innenstadt. Bildschirmfoto.
Figure Vektorkarte mit lokalen Datenquellen auf Basis von MapboxGL JS.
Kirby Tiles

This experimental plugin for Kirby 3 allows to host local vector maps without using external mapping services.


There are repeating tasks that are recurring in each project. The following plugins bundle, harmonize and simplify these steps:

Kirby Choices Methods

This plugin for Kirby 3 helps to get text content of select fields like tags, multiselect or checkboxes. It works with any field providing options in the blueprint definitions.
Kirby List Methods

This plugin for Kirby 3 provides the method toList() for user, page and file collections. It generated comma-separated list of all items with an optional conjuction for the last element.
Kirby Methods Folder

This plugin for Kirby 3 allows for the creation of site, page, users, files and other helper methods in a central folder /site/methods without having to create separate plugins.
Kirby Snippetwhen Helper

This plugin for Kirby 3 provides the helper function snippetWhen that only executes a snippet when a condition is met.
Kirby Tree Methods

This plugin for Kirby 3 provides field methods to filter and manipulate HTML output. It allows to adjust the headline hierarchie, change tag names, add classes and other attributes and to wrap multiple elements into another element. Filtering can be used to output specific elements only.
Kirby Type Methods

This plugin for Kirby 3 provides methods to check the type of an object – isUser(), isPage(), isFile() – or to verify its template:  isType(template).


Kirby Tracker

This plugin for Kirby 3 allows to track content changes and generate a notification streams based on this information.
Kirby XSLT

This plugin for Kirby 3 allows to generate and layout content using XSLT templates.
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