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Symphony Extensions

Over the last years, we have been collaborating on the design of the Symphony CMS user interface und we designed extensions to manage associations and handle dates and times. Center of our work was the development of easy-to-use visuel interfaces.

All extensions are released under an open license (MIT) and can be used for free. Please feel free to use them in your own projects, feedback and fixes are appreciated.

Symphony extensions. Screenshot.
Figure Subsection Manager (left), Date and Time (right)


Association Interfaces

This Symphony 2 extensions provides as field to associcate two sections.
Association UI: Editor

Editor offers an interface to open and edit existing or create new associated entries. It works with core select boxes and tag lists as well as with association fields. Since 2015, further development has thankfully been handled by MazeDigital.
Association UI: Selector

Selector provides a search and select interface for associative Symphony fields. It works with core select boxes and tag lists as well as with association fields. Since 2015, further development has thankfully been handled by MazeDigital.

Starting point for all association interfaces were two prior concepts, Mediathek and Subsection Manager:


This extension for Symphony 2 was built on top of the core Select Box Link field and was a first step to simplify associating different sections. Later on, this concept was further developed as Subsection Manager. Mediathek is the German word for media center and was primarilly ment to manage media inside Symphony.

Subsection Manager

This extension for Symphony 2 allows for the association of two sections via a visual interface. Entry can be inline edited without switching views. Since 2015, further development has thankfully been handled by the Symphony community.

Date and Time

Date and Time

This extension for Symphony 2 provides a field for advanced date and time management. It offers a calendar for selecting dates and it helps creating multipel dates as well as date ranges. Since 2015, further development has thankfully been handled by DeuxHuitHuit.



A growing collection XSL template for handling dates and times, images, names, paginations and general markup manipulation.
UI & UX design
Project Timeframe