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YMCA World Alliance

YMCA4GOOD is a community app that was developed for the World YMCA. Focussing on raising project visibility, it’s main goal is to link projects across the YMCA network. Besides conceptual work, our main task was to create a unified design system and the interactive user interface.

YMCA4GOOD. Photoshop sketches.
Figure Planning the app: layout and user navigation.
YMCA4GOOD app. Screenshots.
Figure View of notifications, projects, coversations and profiles in the final app.

Icon Design

For the app’s main navigation, we developed a small icon set, incorparting the main title “Y4GOOD” – the original name of the app. This logo was based on a concept used for their change agent events before.

Icons for YMCA4GOOD. Sketches und screenshots.
Figure Icon development from sketch to final icons.
project management
information architecture
web design
UI & UX design
dynamic implementation
Project lead
Björn Stockleben
Backend implementation
André König
Andrew McKenzie (YMCA Victoria, Australia)
Project Timeframe